Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025
Dr. Garrett Smith
Love Your Liver Livestream
Starting at 11:33:33 am CDT
Testimony from Twitter

Dr. Smith,
I had no idea “plain” oatmeal could be so flavorful.
Today marks week 1 of my second attempt at quitting caffeine and I was having my normal plain salted oatmeal for breakfast when I noticed it tasted really good. I didn’t realize oatmeal itself could be so flavorful!
I have been following the Love Your Liver plan for about 6 months now and the results are incredible. My fingernails shine so bright my mom thought I put polish on them.
Everything that has happened in the past 6 months was accurately predicted by you. Even the horrible eczema breakout from doing exactly what you said not to do (taking the full lactoferrin dose at the start).
I initially thought you were a fed (profile picture didn’t help) controlled opposition, and maybe you still are, but you have done a lot of good for my health and I want to thank you.
Thank You Dr. Smith, you are doing God’s work and I hope to meet you someday.
Testimonial #2
Just wanted to share a bit of a testimony. I’ve been on this program for 2 1/2 years, and haven’t ever done this. It was encouraging to me when I could read other’s progress when I first started, so I hope my story can bring encouragement as well.
When Dr Smith landed in my lap, we were at a pretty low spot. My husband has been struggling with migraines his entire life, but in 2017 they got exponentially worse. It was very common (not normal!) that he would spend days in bed, in complete darkness. The longest we kept track was 40 days straight, with level 8-9 pain. I had remembered Wardee Harmon sending an interview earlier in the summer that she did with Dr. Smith, but I completely disregarded it. I had been brainwashed that food forms of vA were ok (hello WAPF), and that if it was food, it wasn’t poison. (So much raw liver doing GAPS…and liver/organ supplements…literally handfuls! 😖). Three months later, I remembered that interview one night, as hubs and I were at a crossroads with our health, and consumed it like nothing I’ve ever consumed before. This was the beginning of our LYL journey. (Pain is not a fun teacher, but it is a powerful teacher!)
I made a list of “things I’d like to get fixed” shortly before our consultation, and recently found that list. It had 25 things listed. I won’t list everything, but this will give you an idea… arthritis in hands, muscle stiffness basically everywhere, low back pain, TMJ, itchy skin (like I had baby spiders crawling all over me), jimmy legs, sleeplessness, having to get up to pee in the middle of the night, sensitive teeth, receding gums, CONSTIPATION (GAPS really messed me up on this one, even though I struggled with this after my dad died in 2016), skin tags, liver spots, angiomas, worsening vision. At the bottom of my list, I also wrote, “I have this general feeling that the glue that’s suppose to hold me together isn’t holding me together anymore.”
Some of these things have been resolved, some I am still hoping for.
The itchy skin is gone. Tooth sensitivity, gone.
Most of the others are improving greatly… jimmy legs, sleeplessness, and getting up to pee in the night are so much better. TMJ is so much better… I no longer wake up with a tight jaw and stiff neck and shoulders from grinding all night long. My sleep is deeper for the most part (I still have some nights that it’s horrible… two steps forward, one step back I guess), but I mostly wake up rested like I did when I was a kid.
The one thing that improved almost immediately was the constipation (thank you soluble fiber). If I could shout it from the mountain tops how great I felt when I pooped, I would’ve (and I kinda did anyway😆), but most ppl don’t want to hear that (except everyone here). I went from *maybe* a poop twice a week (and they were like little bunny turds), to every morning, and most recently more like a couple times per day. I still take some oral magnesium to keep things moving, and I do have one cup of coffee in the morning. The coffee is a compromise, but that juice is definitely worth the squeeze to me. (And currently I am doing the HDT for birth control, and I am seeing that it is still improving… maybe I can quit the coffee soon!)
My vision is slowly changing. I noticed floaters this summer, and I believe the increase in NA and zeolite is helping. The darker ones seem to be shrinking and seem to be less… again time will tell. My goal is to someday quit needing glasses or at least such a strong correction.
I still am waiting for the arthritis in my hands to improve. This started at the end of 2017 after a round of cod liver oil and liver supplements from my chiropractor. I made the connection immediately but was told that CLO was helpful, so there was no connection (wish I would’ve listened to my gut instead). My hubby, however, has noticed the heat radiating from them has changed. They used to be hot all the time, but he says now they feel cool now. Noticeably cooler since we have started this program.
My low back pain is also something in which I continue to wait to see improvement. I’ve had that since my 20’s, but the tips to help with the pain have been fantastic! Magnesium lotion has become my new best friend. It doesn’t make the pain go away completely, but it helps. (And btw, the Nutrition Detective brand is far superior than anything out there!). Seeing these improvements is the motivation I have longed for to keep at this. I am excited to be here, excited to keep going, and incredibly grateful for Garrett Smith, all the consultants, and everyone here who encourages and supports this journey of ours. Having listened to a lot of doctors over the years, Dr. Smith is the FIRSThttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29363749/ doctor who has connected the dots for me. He’s actually telling the truth. I am so grateful to belong to a community that encourages critical thinking!!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!

Effects of washing, soaking and domestic cooking on cadmium, arsenic and lead bioaccessibilities in rice – PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29363749/

Cooking rice in excess water reduces both arsenic and enriched vitamins in the cooked grain – PubMed: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26515534/
154: B1 Deficiency (Beriberi) = TOXICITY!!! Testimonial, Subscriber Q&A! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho3mpFFiT88

Improved rice cooking approach to maximise arsenic removal while preserving nutrient elements – ScienceDirect: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720368728?via%3Dihub

Tight sorption of arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead by edible activated carbon and acid-processed montmorillonite clay – PMC: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7855320/

Zen Principle Hardwood Charcoal

156: Low-Toxin Nutrition & Diet Basics to HEAL CHRONIC DISEASE!!!

181: Cancer STORES Toxic Bile! #toxicbileparadigm #vitaminatoxicity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe0QWyoZOco


153: DESTROYING the GLUCOSE/DEXTROSE powder FAD!!! 2 Testimonials! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n19IyUk19Mw

Journal of Alcohol

“slowing down liver detox”
