Ozone Therapy

**** CoronaVirus emergency update: I invite you to read Robert Rowen M.D. Paper which documents with references ozone therapy’s unique ability to manage infectious disease epidemics.
In the video below (at the bottom of the page) learn what doctors are not taught in medical school about ozone therapy. The lecture by Robert Rowen, M.D. describes a small fraction of the uses of ozone therapy. You will gain a scientific overview of how ozone:
- Resets you immune system
- Selectively disinfects your body of bad pathogens while leaving the good aerobic bacteria.
- Enables your circulatory system to deliver MORE oxygen to your tissues.
- Speeds the timeline for wound care
- Oxidizes toxins to neutralize their harmful effects on the body’s tissues.
- Fight bladder infections.
- Can profoundly reduce joint pain.
- Eradicates Ebola symptoms.
- Much, much more!
Over 20 application methods can introduce ozone into the body while avoiding irritation of the lungs:
- Drinking water with ozone gas bubbles.
- Blowing through the body’s skin using a funnel and gentle pressure.
- Ozonated olive oil applied to skin or consumed.
- Sauna system built to contain ozone gas while head sits above and outside the sauna.
- Exposing blood in a bag to ozone gas and putting it back into the body.
- Bubbled Ozone through Olive Oil (BOOO) to create ozonoides which do not irritate the lungs and can be useful to treat pneumonia, asthma and emphysema (go slowly).
- Injections into joints/muscles.
- IV Injections – (not recommended without an experienced expert practitioner – I don’t offer this presently)
- Rectal/Vaginal insufflations.
I’m Joe Baker and I’m traveling the US, and Canada offering private in home ozone therapy via rectal insufflation. If you are aware of this procedure and would like to avail yourself to this therapy you may contact me to arrange an appointment at your home. I do not offer this service to anyone who has had organ transplants.
With your $15,000 donation you will get an ozone therapy visit to your home. The thin catheter goes in from about 3 to 12 inches into the rectum. Slowly over three minutes the ozone filled bag is collapsed displacing the ozone gas into the rectum. Its possible to repeat this process numerous times until the desired effect is accomplished. The ozone gas is absorbed through the walls of the colon and lower intestinal walls. Best to to relax at this point and lay down for this 20 minute period.
TERMS: By engaging me in this procedure you agree to forgive me for anything according to the ForgivenessPublicLicense.org
Traveling Schedule and availability:
Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 5th, 2023 – Dec 29th, 2023
If you’d like me to travel to your area and would like to help arrange travel accommodations please contact me: