Therapy Suggested Donation Rate is $70 for 90 minutes.
I believe in the infinite worth of every individual. This healing therapy practice is a part of ForgivenessCapital’s Wheel of Forgiveness Network. The bottom line is that if you need these services and cannot pay for them there is a way you can receive them for free. We help you by commemorating the value you received with new crypto-currency tokens which express your gratitude and affirmation of the value you received. This enables a sort of pay it forward technique where others are able to participate later in the generosity.
Satisfaction guaranteed or you don’t have to pay. I provide insights into some alternative therapies, diets, strategies for assisting you toward a better chance of survival when combating toxins, pathogens, disease, trauma (even from past lives). I will research your condition and suggest courses of action. I find that I have intuition about which remedies to apply to certain situations.
I cannot be held liable for any damages. You agree to release me from any liability according to the ForgivenessPublicLicense.org .
I offer to forgive and be forgiven to an unlimited extent and ask that you agree to do the same for me before anything happens. This gives us the ability to move forward with intuitive treatments which haven’t even been invented yet.