A client reports having been diagnosed with PTSD with the symptoms having vanished with my biofield tuning work.
I’ve had great success in dramatically improving the lives of people who suffer from lost energy due to stress events in their day. Often this is caused by a traumatic birth event which put the infant in a fight of flight mode that set the tone of how the adrenal glands would respond from then onward. I can apply this therapy within an hour of treatment. Some clients have reported the effect of a single treatment to have lasted over a year.
I’ve confirmed that drinking freshly ozone bubbled water has a nearly instant effect of neutralizing the cortisol in the body. I’m looking for a client who would like to call me up and have me remotely administer ozone gas to their energy field. My intuition is that I can help them restore balance to their energy for the rest of the day.
Cathi Hargaden described how her Perthes disease (leg bones not converting from cartridge to hard bone) responded to remote biofield tuning. It still remains to be seen how this treatment will effect her bone growth in her leg. We have seen signs of increased blood flow and endurance to the hip. The ball of the hip experiences a loss of blood flow, so the ball collapes where the bone turns to necrotic tissue. I believe that a reduced vitamin A diet over a 6 year period could restore the shape and circulation to the bone. I feel that the disease could be avoided all together if the mother had been on a vitamin A elimination diet three years prior to conception.
I could hardly believe it when a fellow asked me at a conference to treat his acid reflux condition. Within 30 seconds it went away and it didn’t return even after I saw him the next day. I’ve since learned that acid reflux is a condition of the wrong acids getting into the stomach. Secondary bile acids are much, much stronger than stomach acids and are not supposed to be in the stomach at all. This is usually caused by either constipation, enterhipatic or extrahipatic cholestasis. Short and long term treatments include using charcoal strategically, reduced vitamin A diets and reducing activities which agitate the liver into excreting more bile.
Within an hour and a half a client experienced tremendous relief from pelvic inflammation pain that had lasted for years. Following up 30 days later, the pain and inflammation had not returned. This particular instance exhibited an energy blockage about 25 feet out to the client’s left side.
Delayed and remote biofield tuning assisted one individual John Wood with his psoriasis reducing the inflammation significantly. This is caused by an autotoxicity of vitamin A.
Nicole Villa describes how treating a place in her biofield from three thousand miles away helped her to deal with her father having choked her as a child. Now she can exude more confidence and speak up for herself.
Yes, there is a location in the human biofield which corresponds to the relationship with the client’s mother and another location to the father.
If you have problems as a result of a severe trauma causing you to have instability in your walking, sore shoulders, range of motion issues, muscle memory, etc… Lets have a try to see if we can resolve physical, mental and emotional traumas associated.